At Trinity we believe that field trips are an important part of education. Our teachers plan fun, educational field trips for their students. Not only do we take trips to learn about our local culture, we often travel to other cities when the opportunity arises. This year classes have taken trips to museums, visited a planetarium, wandered through corn mazes and a pumpkin patches, attended a ballet, and scavenger hunted at a general store full of antiques.
Our junior high students have taken more extensive field trips to The George H. W. Bush Presidential Library Center and a traveling exhibit of Leonardo da Vinci's inventions at Texas A&M in College Station. They attended The Compassion Experience in Longview, and witnessed a naturalization ceremony at the Marshall Courthouse.
Later this year the fifth and sixth grade classes will visit Medieval Times in Dallas after they finish their Renaissance unit. In the spring several of our sixth - eighth students will attend a school sponsored trip to Washing ton D.C. and New York City. The fifth - eighth grade are also planning a trip to the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum in Dallas.
"I remember attending as a kid for about 5 years. I will never forget how much the teachers care for the students and the loving Christian environment! If I still live in the area when I have kids they will definitely go to Trinity!"
- Elizabeth Roberts